As the day draws closer, I want to remind you to RSVP before tomorrow evening at 5 o’clock, so that I can prepare the freshness that will become Marvelous Pizzas. I’ve tried to make it easier on everyone, you can simply RSVP to the Event invite on facebook, or RSVP directly to me at, and Put RSVP in the subject line, along with any message you like, and Consider yourself Counted!
If you are new to Fist of flour and this is your First event, please take a couple seconds to register yourself and: Sign up for Event Updates and Invites! Its the only way to get the address for the events and to stay informed of the latest news and updates here in the test kitchen. Don’t worry, I don’t email you about anything else, just events and firings.
Spoils from BYO #1 - see what you're missing!
This week’s menu should be awesome, I made two test pies on Monday night, and had the neighbor over. They were really nice pies! Though the indoor O’Keefe and Merrit oven doesn’t get nearly as hot as the pizza oven, its a good gauge of how the pies will taste. I’m anticipating a nice Crisping of the Zuchini slices after i baste them with a little bit of sun dried tomato infused olive oil and crust them in fresh mortared White pepper, mmmm. Can’t wait! Veggie lovers, you’ll be in for a treat for sure!
Don’t worry meat eaters, I’d never let you down. I’ll have loads of fresh sliced Pepperoni and possibly a Sausage option for a limited time. the calabri peppers are Hella HOT! So be ready for Fire in the hole!
Don’t forget, RSVP Today! See you saturday!