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Business, and the cost of doing business


There are two rivers running through the small business world, and they are creating a bit of whirlpool in my pockets. In one pocket, the fresh, crisp and clean “green” water flows inward from reliable sources in the forms of cash, checks and credit cards, while the other pocket expels this whirlpool in the form of bills, taxes, and surcharges. One hopes that this cycle continues, with more green coming in than going out, keeping everything in the Black. When the river flow turns red, its usually too late to learn to swim, and the small business can sink to the bottom real fast.

I suppose this is the case with all businesses, and most certainly in a Restaurant business. This effect seems magnified to me now that we’re growing and hiring more people, and booking more and more gigs. We’re a good size, we know how to swim in the ocean and know how to tread water through the small ponds. We can be a little more choosy now that we have the brick and mortar running 6 days a week, but its a 24-7 job just reading and responding to emails. We’re still scrappin for every gig we can get.

I ask David several times a week, “Do we have the staff for this?” as I seek to book a third mobile gig on a June Saturday, and he tells me we need more Pizza ninjas. Its hard finding good people who are willing to work 14+ hour days, driving across the bay on all the best days of the week, Fridays and Saturdays, plus scheduling 3-4 people to run the shop on our busiest nights, Fridays and Saturdays. We’re always on the lookout for our next Pizza chef, so if you know someone with ninja-like skills, please Send Email“>send them my way.

So, we’ve got 4 solid months under the belt, and under a solid roof. I can’t believe its already May. Where did April go? I know we did 12 various gigs on the street, finally got our Gas deck ovens fully 100{2bcc608746b8120fea6644f9ae3522f13f10aa6a77c573f716eef1394619f5d9} operational, hired two more people, and sold a bunch of pizza. All a warm up for the months to come. We’re poised to be busy all summer long, with no real rest in sight till early November. We’ve got weddings, weekly happenings, Roller derby, fundraisers, Beer parties, Local Hip hop Shows, Big outdoor Festivals, Winery Events, and so much more we haven’t even booked yet.

Stay tuned for more, and see you soon!

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