I can’t believe we are a week into the new year (now two weeks actually, I wrote this last weekend and never posted). Where does the time dough? Here at Fist of Flour, things are on the rise. Ok, just one more pun and I’ll cut the cheese out of this post. Seriously folks its 2011 and I am gearing up for quite a year. Just 13 days into 2011 and I’m feeling like we are headed in a direction, a favorable one even. I found out I did not get in to the next SF Underground market, so I won’t be kicking off with a double header like i had hoped. Not enough outdoor space this time. But the director of the Laurel District’s Farmer’s market emailed me back and they are getting set to restart on that very day, Saturday January 15th, and I am more than welcome to come on back. Naturally I said hells to the yeah. First official gig secured and that’s probably good for the next three Saturdays, so mark those calendars folks.
All set up at the Laurel Farmer's Market
Every Saturday from 10am till 2 pm, 4200 MacArthur Blvd, at the Giant Burger Parking Lot, near High st. and the 580 freeway. Meat and vegetarian choices every week!
So yeah, 2011. Where do we go now? I’m looking for a couple of things, One, a permanent space to try and build up sellin pies on a regular basis, and two, a commercial kitchen space to operate out of. Without that, its very difficult to obtain the necessary permits needed to vend at the larger outdoor festivals, fairs and markets across the bay. My goals are relatively simple for the coming months, get legit, and get my ass out there more. The trick is choosing the right venues, or landing just the right spot I think, because Pizza is fairly commonplace today. I think pizza can be easily overlooked as a new and exciting food choice because its everywhere. Its everywhere and in most cases, its done adequately enough for the place to stay open for a while. But Pizza can also be done really poorly, and those establishments also, miraculously remain open even longer sometimes, or worse, grow into national chains that franchise out into the airports and mini malls of the greater world, and its frightening to me.
I started Fist of Flour to help elevate Pizza’s status in unlikely places, like the swap meet, the Antiques fair, or the local farmer’s market. Outside, in a parking lot, not connected to the traditional Brick and mortar establishments, free to move and mutate, mature and multiply, if all goes well. Just remember, don’t EVER feed the fire after midnight, Ever…
Here’s to 2011. things are going to get hotter, I can feel it.