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Hot Hot Hot! big fun in the summer time with Fist of Flour Pizza


I can’t believe its July 1st already. It seems like it was just April when I ordered my last cord of wood. Well it was, but today we got another shipment. Yes I’ve pretty much burned through 128 cubic feet of natural almond firewood in about two months. Running two ovens is no joke. We’ve been able to pull at least one or two double gigs each week since the old trailer was repaired after our near death experiences, so that’s about 6 fires a week. And there’s more to come. Our summer calendar is all full up with amazing gigs for the whole family. We’ll be bringing fresh hot pizza all over the bay and beyond. Take a look at our calendar page and bookmark us today!

In addition to my own gigs, I am now a part of a new collective of tented Pop-up vendors, called lOAKal mobile food. Born out of the fallout from the Oakland First Friday scene, we came together to organize ourselves and create new opportunities for one another here in Oakland. Most of us operate out of tents and are still building steam and fan bases. It’s often difficult for smaller vendors to get started as a lot of the events focus exclusively on the big Expensive trucks, so we’ve joined forces and combined resources to create new pods that will feature local, artisan foods at affordable prices. We’ve already hosted two small events at Linden Street Brewery, and hope to create several more as the summer season continues. Visit our website and the facebook page to get more info!

Meanwhile the search continues here for a new home base and possible storefront location. We are looking everywhere in the Oakland area, and have a few nice spots picked out. We’re getting all of those ducks in a row and hope to have some really good news within the next month. Some of you may know we had a really good line on a small spot downtown, but somehow, we lost that space. Apparently more money trumps good intentions and handshakes. I’ve always said, get it in writing, and we didn’t get it that time. So, we press on, and we know that the right thing will find its way to us, just as this whole business found its way to me three years ago.

Keep your eyes open, your ear to the ground and your nose to the grind wheel. we’ll make our own reality. Hope to see you all out there soon!

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