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The House of Calvert Party Encyclopedia, your complete guide to home entertaining and more!


First collage laid out on the desk

Hello friends, today I spent the better part of the morning going through what many families consider to be “bibles” in their kitchens. I recently inherited Grandma’s collection of recipes, newspaper clippings, and three-ring binder of cut and pasted masterpieces of a forgotten age! There’s even the black composition notebook she used to hand write down other recipes of the day. Fascinating is the best word to describe the inner pages and note cards. These notes go back 4-5 decades in my family, and I have to admit I haven’t ever tried any of these things. But its about time to start a new blog section!

Saucerama for example, this clipping is too good.

OMG Gross!

But Grandma knew how to cook for her 5 children, and I bet they remember these recipes. The biggest highlights though aren’t so much the food, but take “The House of Calvert Party Encyclopedia, your complete guide to home entertaining” with 295 drink recipes, there’s gotta be a few gems in here, for example, I give you “how much Whiskey to buy” an essential page for the Budget conscious party thrower. I’m so going to use this book!

How many drinks is enough?

Note, for dinner for 4 people, one fifth is sufficient, but for a party of four, better get two fifths!

Some of these clippings date back to the early 60’s, luckily there’s a few spots where the dates were clipped on the back from the newspapers. Over the next few months I’m going to sift through all of this stuff, looking for new things to bring back. Who knows, maybe Ambrosia salad can stand up to searing oven temperatures, and I’ll create a new dessert sensation. Pineapple upside down cake with carmel sauce, oh you know we are making that. Its even hand-typed. Any recipe with a cup of brown sugar and a stick of butter has got to have some merit in today’s modern kitchen! It certainly does in mine!

in fact, I think this is the first scanned recipe I’ll post from the series. As I find more and more gems, I’ll send them up here and we can all relive the 50’s and 60’s through Grandma’s notebooks! Enjoy.

Pineapple Upsidedown Cake


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