Connotations for one, so let me try and explain the rationale I used in choosing this Site’s name.
I was very very excited the night I got home from the first oven building class. I sat down and started sketching my own oven’s design. I already knew, I just saw it there in my mind, and was like, yeah! That’s cool. A big ole fist coming up from the fire box, the chimney and insulating girth are the forearm, and the spark arrest is hidden atop the fist. Since we’re working with darjit here, I could sculpt anything I can think of with the wire and concrete mix, so the only trick will be doing it, and making it look right. Ok, whatever, proceed with sketching, and voila! a preliminary design.
Prototype oven sketches with Fist arrester
But why the fist in the first place? Well again most of the credit has to go to Jeremy (the creator of the Jeremy special). He said it one day “Fist of Flour,” I don’t really know the exact context (something, making bread, being punny), but I heard it, and it stuck in my head. Fist of Fury is a very popular Bruce Lee movie, we like Bruce Lee here. He trained in our town, and the slightest of connections was made in my head. I liked it, kind of an obscure reference that if were not written out here, most would probably never get. Hiiii-Yahhh!
So next came the website name. For those of you I have not told yet, the whole purpose of all of this oven/pizza business is to eventually build a second oven, on a dedicated trailer, connected to whatever vehicle I can find to tow it around. Correct – I said on a trailer. Moving from place to place, day to day, when I have the time to do it. Its already been done (several times), there’s even one in my town. I’ve seen it in action and I gotta admit I was inspired. I was like, I could do that. But how? Well I’ll need a website, and the wheels of debauchery cranked out these three little words: where’s the fist? dot com, check name, available! buy now please! and it took about 5 minutes to complete my transaction. That’s how it came about. Now, to just make it all happen…